About the author:

Nirbhasa is from Ireland. He is an enthusiastic multi-day runner, having completed four times the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race - the longest race in the world.


Abhejali Bernardova from the Czech Republic reached French shores around 10 o'clock European Mean Time (9 p.m. Dover time) on 11 July, having taken 14h 37 min. (still inofficial) to make the crossing. Here you can see Abhejali (center) with helper and fellow Czech Jayalata Dadkovicova and boat captain Chris Osmond before the swim start on Seafarer II in Dover Marina.

Read full account of Abhejali's swim on the Channel Triathlon blog by fellow channel swimmer Vasanti Niemz (soon to come). In 2009 Abhejali and Vasanti were part of an international 4 member SCMT/"World Harmony Run" relay that swum the English Channel.

On the tide starting July 20th Jatnasheel Moser from Heidelberg will be the next Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team member to attempt this most famous of swimming crossings. Good luck Jatnasheel!!!


Why take the ferry if you can swim?


Abhejali and her happy helper team on their way back to Dover - with Cap Blanc Nez in the background.

Here some video-footage:
